Breaking through the noise to
connect with your buyer


Modern Sales Messaging

Connecting your simple solutions to your customer's specific issues

Insight Messaging

Turn sellers into true consultants with business issue content and tools

Value Messaging

Compel buyer action with a clear message around your solution's ROI

Persona Messaging

Resonate with the unique perspective and challenges facing diverse buyer profiles

Champion Content

Arm your buyer advocates with the right information and tools that align other stakeholders

Sales Experiences

Equip your teams to facilitate engaging customer meetings and workshops

Situational Messaging

Deliver a tailored message that fits the unique situation in the buyer's journey

Messaging: Help Your Buyers Buy



We use a proven methodology to understand your specific sales scenarios and what your teams always need to win.

  • One-size-fits-all messaging framework doesn't work
  • Transform buyer touch-points into differentiated sales experiences
  • Help customers clarify their critical problems and map the effective customer path forward
  • An integrated approach that includes rep skill training and reinforcement
  • Multiple delivery strategies, including digital playbooks and integration with existing enablement tools
Help Your Critical Buyers Buy
Digital Playbook

Reimagined Sales Marketing Playbooks

Digital Playbooks drive field adoption:

  • Deliver content and marketing messaging in the context of selling situations
  • Guide team reps using a dynamic digital structure for content and tools
  • Ensure team reps are accessing the latest marketing materials and track deployment
  • Integrate real-time skill training and value coaching




Brookdale is the largest senior living provider in the United States with more than 1200 business professionals. The complex decision process related to senior care creates many barriers for critical buyers. 

Working with senior leadership, we redefined the specific customer journey and how that comes to life in the sales message experience. Our focus and strategy was on positioning their team as guides for the decision process. This included new conversation tools, messages, and experiences designed to educate and align all influencers through the consensus-driven sales message process. 

We deployed the program over 6 months using a highly structured process. New concepts were first introduced by the leadership team, then shared with front-line coaches before their business reps were trained. The effective strategy also included a complete set of reinforcement skills and coaching tools.

Key performance metrics saw significant improvement, including double-digit increases in close rates. Greater consistency in sales execution and quality coaching driven by the program also decreased rep turnover of more than 10%.

Brookdale Case Study


The Sales Experience

In modern selling, winning teams focus on differentiating their sales experience. The discovery meeting is one critical sales experience you must get right. Since the late 1970’s, sales leaders have obsessed over finding magical discovery questions.

Fast forward 40 years, and not much has changed. Buyers have tuned out. They're tired of discovery meetings that deliver minimal-to-no value. The good news is that buyers are willing to invest time and energy in discovery if done correctly. The pressure is on for the salesperson to meet buyer where they are.

Learn the most effective strategies for planning and executing a modern discovery workshop oriented around the idea of co-creation. In this guide we map out the specific actions and skills reps need to facilitate a highly effective and differentiated discovery meeting.


Sales Experience Ebook


Let's Connect

Contact us to explore how we can help you make a real difference in your business organization improving your critical messages.